For me, life is about continuously learning, either from our own experiences or from those shared by others.
Here are a few links to inspirational talks and information that have really made me think.
Start with why
This short video enabled me to better understand why I’ve struggled to be satisfied for the last 10yrs. It resulted in me taking a long hard look at what I really want to achieve and who I want to become.
Economics VS Sustainability
Creating positive change for future generations will require us all to rethink our definitions of economic growth and sustainability. This video provides an insight into how we have previously approached economics, and how we now have the tools and the insight to make a difference.
Making a difference
The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals have set a challenge for all 193 signatory countries to make a difference by 2030. This video identifies some of the driving issues that need to be resolved if we are all going to develop.
Is it Up to The Next Generation?
This is a powerful speech, it makes you think about our current approach to climate change and sustainability, and who will really be affected by the actions that we take.
A Plastic Ocean
As an oceanographer and someone who has spent a vast amount of time working at sea, I found the film both shocking and inspirational. The problem seems so huge, but we have to start somewhere, and now seems a good time.
Power of the Internet
This is a talk by a teenager, it demonstrates the ability to resolve complex problems with simple solutions. It also shows the power of big data and the internet; if you can log on, then you can make a difference.
A New Mindset?
Matthew Syed compares different organisations as he seeks to understand why some are so successful and others fail; his findings revolve around continuous learning and feedback, with the elimination of the blame culture.
What Makes a Good LEader?
Leadership is a choice; it is not a rank.